State of the Aardwolf
Cutting to the chase. Here is the current status of the project.
General Status
- Code compiles under Rocket, or Actix
- Authentication is being updated
- WebPack needs considerable improvement
- Documentation has improved
- General repo cleanup
Rust/Backend Progress
- Actor models are largely completed
- Other models are also done
- Logging is in progress
Front-End Progress Updates added to: Aardwolf-Interface Repository
- A lot of wireframes have been added (80% coverage)
- Some wireframes have been coded in pure HTML/CSS (30% coverage)
- i18n translations were updated in main repository
Here are the current priorities for the project
Backend Priorities
- E-mail notifications (required for user sign-ups
- Get basic timeline working
- Fix WebPack so that it grabs the proper styling resources
Front-End Priorities
- Convert existing interface templates to Ructe Syntax
- Code up remaining templates to match wireframes
- Build additional wireframes to get 100% coverage for Minimum Viable Product (MVP)
- Banjo